june 21-24 Rome festival of comics drawn and printed art

It's like this: You come home from CRACK! and you're happy. A little bit like you're still on CRACK! mentally. This happiness lasts for a few weeks sometimes. It's not that you want to go back but more like you never really left the Forte. The rest of the year you do what you can to make the rest of the world a better place. Around December usually, you start thinking about going back. A feeling that gets more intense as June gets closer. You start to plan for the next one, try to think of a bigger, better contribution. You want to return to the family, return home. CRACK! is the real world, the rest is just inbetween.

Mattias Elftorp
The destructive character sees nothing permanent. But for this very reason he sees ways everywhere. Where others encounter walls or mountains, there, too, he sees a way. But because he sees a way everywhere, he has to clear things from it everywhere. Not always by brute force; sometimes by the most refined. Because he sees ways everywhere, he always stands at a crossroads.
Walter Benjamin


Outdoor_venerdi 21 giugno

hip-hop moldavian 8bit

Julien Deblois, aka Debmaster taglia i suoi baffi tutti i giorni così come taglia la sua musica. Una sorta di tornado che trova la sua forza nell'hip hop tanto quanto nei generi più oscuri come l'8 bit moldavo o la fisarmonica africana. I suoi live sono una scossa alla mancanza di varietà ed all'appiattimento della musica elettronica in generale. Dopo aver affinato le sue armi in Francia ora abita a Berlino, dove conquista furiosamente le sale europee ad un ritmo incontrollato.

L'artista Sammy Stein, che ha realizzato la copertina dell'ultimo album di Debmaster parteciperà al live set creando dimensioni, prospettive incongrue e sorprese bidimensionali.



