It's like this: You come home from CRACK! and you're happy. A little bit like you're still on CRACK! mentally. This happiness lasts for a few weeks sometimes. It's not that you want to go back but more like you never really left the Forte. The rest of the year you do what you can to make the rest of the world a better place. Around December usually, you start thinking about going back. A feeling that gets more intense as June gets closer. You start to plan for the next one, try to think of a bigger, better contribution. You want to return to the family, return home. CRACK! is the real world, the rest is just inbetween.
Mattias Elftorp[ITA] ORDE barbariche di pennarelli e china, tribù nomadiche del Regno dell'Art Brut, specie razzianti di immaginari ribelli, unitevi!!! Le adesioni al festival come artisti o editori si possono presentare alla mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Sono benvenuti tutti coloro che vogliano offrirsi come volontari per le giornate del festival! Nessuno resterà fuori cmq, Crack è un festival autoconvocato.
[ENG] Barbarian HORDES of marker and china ink, nomadic tribes of the Art Brut Realm, raider species of chimerical rebel visions, UNITE! Registration to the Festival is possible by writing us here. Volunteers are welcome too! No one gets out of the door, Crack is a self indicted festival...
per chi volesse proporre progetti o partecipazioni è possibile intervenire alla prossima riunione che faremo al FortePrenestino di Roma. appuntamento per cena (puntuali!!!!)
gio 13 giugno ore 21,00